Add a Blog Post

Creating a New Blog Post

Clicking on your name then on Add New Post in the drop menu to create your blog post.


You will get a blank post page to fill out:


  • Start with your main blog post image – this is the image the viewer will see when browsing the latest blog posts, or in the post listings on your page or category.
    • Click “Upload Image“, look for the image on your computer and click Upload.
  • Next is your post Title – keep it short and sweet and to the point 🙂
  • Then add your blog post content. You may add images in here by clicking “Add Media”.
  • To add video, copy and paste the video url – you can find this in your address bar of your video’s page. For the below example, you would add:

Screen shot 2013-08-27 at 5.07.37 PM

(Note: If you want the main image to be the video for your blog post, you can skip the image upload, and have the very first item in your description area be your video link. Then continue on with your blog post as normal)

  • After the blog post content, you’ll see an SEO area. This is optional, but we definitely recommend taking a few minutes to fill it out.
    • Meta Keywords: These are relative to this post, so use keywords that fit the post’s content.
    • Meta Title: If your title is long, it may be cut off by search engines. Edit your title as necessary to a max of 65 characters.
    • Meta Description: Summarize your post in a max of 160 characters.
    • For more tips on this area, see Meta Tips!

Be sure to click “SAVE” when you are done!