At Winston Flowers, we consider it a privilege to be included in life’s most intimate and impactful events. We know that we’re not just offering floral design services—we’re helping you create memories to last a lifetime. That’s why, from small celebrations to lavish weddings, our goal is to take care of each of your precious moments as if they were our own.
Our award-winning team sets the scene for an unforgettable event with exceptional florals and unparalleled design. Most importantly, we listen carefully to your needs and goals every step of the way. With design studios in both Boston and New York City, Winston Flowers proudly services New England, Manhattan, Fairfield County, and Westchester County. We also offer event design services for destinations worldwide.
Contact Information
Winston Flowers- Contact: Jillian Nichols
- Phone: (800) 457-4901
- Address: 131 Newbury Street
Boston 02116
- Email: EventServices@winstonflowers.com
- Website: https://www.winstonflowers.com/